Palworld Admin Commands


How To Execute Commands?

Commands must be executed from within the game or via RCON.


Command list:

/Shutdown {Seconds} {MessageText} - The server is shutdown after the number of seconds (MessageText will be notified if inputed)

/DoExit - Force stop server

/Broadcast {MessageText} - Send message to all players in the server

/KickPlayer {SteamID} - Kick player from the server

/BanPlayer {SteamID} -BAN player from the server

/TeleportToPlayer {SteamID} - Teleport to currect location of targeted player

/TeleportToMe {SteamID} - Teleport player to your current location

/ShowPlayers - Show information on all connected players

/Info - Show server information

/Save - Save the world data

Video Guide:

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