1. After placing an order and paying the invoice you will receive an email from "Pine Hosting Panel"
  2. Open the "Account Created" email if this is your first time using Pine Hosting
  3. Click "Setup Your Account" which will redirect you to the Pine Panel
  4. You are now able to set a new password that you use to login to the Pine Panel
  5. Once you have set your new password you can click "Reset Password" to finish your account creation
  6. You will now have access to all servers you own/manage with that email address

NOTE: If you are having difficulty creating an account you can click "Forgot Password"and reset your password by following those steps. Once your account has been setup all new servers will automatically be added to that account and you will not have to set it up again. If you encounter any difficulty while logging in feel free to contact us!

Video Guide:

For any more assistance, feel free to contact us on Discord or the Website.

Our custom panel has a wide variety of exclusive features that make editing and managing games servers a breeze. All game servers come with powerful hardware and a dedicated team of support members to help you build the servers exactly the way you want.
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