Pine Hosting offers the unique ability to upload folders directly to your server without needing to compress the files beforehand. Compressing files is always suggested as it will speed up the upload time but when uploading a folder with a few files in it can easily be done via our file manager.


  1. Login to your game panel here
  2. Select the server you want to work on
  3. Click on the Files page
  4. From here you can either drag & drop a folder into your server files or use the "Upload" button to upload a folder directly from your PC


For any more assistance, feel free to contact us on Discord or the Website.

Our custom panel has a wide variety of exclusive features that make editing and managing game servers a breeze.
All game servers come with powerful hardware and a dedicated team of support members to help you build the servers exactly the way you want.
Start your game server hosting journey today with Pine Hosting!


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