Ahhhh, big scary red errors!
Thankfully you are in the right place to get those pesky errors resolved. You have likely stumbled upon this article because you are experiencing an error that looks a little something like this:
These errors are pretty harmless and simply mean that your plugin isn't configured to use your MySQL server. This could happen because you forgot to set the details in the config, your MySQL server is denying the requests or even a simple splling spelling mistake. So, lets get this error fixed!
Firstly let's confirm you are experiencing this error. you can click the Pine AI button and scan for errors. This is perfect for checking if you are experiencing the MySQL Connection error, or to check if you have fixed it. This button can be found on the bottom right of your server console.
How To Fix:
- Login to your game panel here
- Select the server you want to work on
- Head over to the "Console" tab
- You can now use Pine AI or look for the error to see what plugin it is coming from
- Once you determined the plugin name (In our example its GlobalBan) you can now go to the config file
- Go to "Servers/unturned/Rocket/Plugins" and then open the folder that has the plugin config (In our example its "GlobalBan.configuration.xml")
- Once you are here you are going to want to put all your Database information into the correct fields. All this information can be found in the "Database" tab
- Clicking the eye icon on the desired database will reveal all the information. Below is a screenshot of where each piece of information goes in the plugin config
- The config may differ slightly depending on the plugin being used, but the general names and idea will stay the same
- Some of the most common mistakes people make is putting the port in the "<DatabaseAddress>" field. This field only wants the IP (This is the numbers found on the left of the ":")
- Another common mistake is the "<DatabaseName>" field. This field is found on the overview of the database and is usually set when you make the database (In our example its "s788_pine")
- After all these fields have been entered correctly you can usually call the "<DatabaseTableName>" whatever you want.
- Once you are happy with your config, simply save the file and restart the server. You can then run Pine AI again to check if the error has been resolved!
- And finally, don't stress if it doesn't work the first time. This type of error can be tricky to figure out for the first time. Once you understand it though it will become second nature. If you need help don't hesitate to contact our support team.
For any more assistance, feel free to contact us on Discord or the Website.
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